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Another excuse for not writing...

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Moderator: memoryheap

Post Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:38 pm

Posts: 604

...and maybe a little bragging. I'm not on the continent. Right now, I'm in the Netherlands, specifically in Rotterdam. So far, I've been in: Frankfurt and Cologne, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; and now Rotterdam. Tomorrow will be spent seeing windmills in Kinderdijk, and maybe getting to Delft or The Hague. Sunday sees me back in Cologne for a night, then another train ride to Frankfurt to catch my flight home on Monday. I have to say, trains that do over 300 km/hr are quite nice, especially since they are electric and therefore very quiet. Pretty much faster than flying if you include time getting to and from airports. And there's no hassle from some nasty TSA agent since they don't do security checks. After all, who's going to hijack a train? And where would you take it?

Speaking misogynistically, I have to say there are a LOT of gorgeous young women in these countries. Potentially fodder for lots of new stories.

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