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You may not really be getting blacklisted

General words about nothing and everything, noises, blatherings and non-specific things uttered by MemoryHeap. Real discussions pertaining to stories will take place in those forums.

Anyone can read my blog, and post in it. If you don't have an account on the site, your posts will be filtered through various anti-spam checks, and you will have to submit to an 'are you human?' test. This is necessary to avoid the spammers (sorry, but such measures have already prevented thousands of garbage postings).

* To see the story forums, and read the stories, you must register for an account. *

Moderator: memoryheap

Posts: 604

There has been a problem reported by at least one long-time member who suddenly found themselves being blacklisted, or called a spammer.

Rest assured it's not me doing that, and it was likely a false positive. Everyone who submits a post to any part of the site gets put through a spam and blacklist check. It's a built-in feature of the software upon which this site is based. The checks are made as calls to other sites that provide this kind of service. Apparently, one of those sites has suddenly started acting up and calling long-time users spammers, or blacklisting them based on the IP address from which they connect.

I have removed that site from the check list, so the problem should now be cleared up. If you are still having trouble, please let me know. If you can't post here you can e-mail me at memoryheap AT

Posts: 226
MH. Thank you for the quick resolution. I had just sent you a note on your first report of the conundrum and the next time I was booted. I do appreciate your prompt response and am so glad I can once again enjoy your efforts.

The issue(s) of spammers and other miscreants are many and varied of course. I just saw how they are doing some new efforts to get your data. Now I carefully inspect the source of the posting and I have abuse.XXXXX.XX in several places that I quite often forward the offensive email. I have gotten some satisfaction but unfortunately one cannot cover all the possible problems. I will say that I am getting fewer so something must be working.

Thanks again my friend for your good work in this and your writings.

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