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A Bit Late, but Finally...

General words about nothing and everything, noises, blatherings and non-specific things uttered by MemoryHeap. Real discussions pertaining to stories will take place in those forums.

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Moderator: memoryheap

Post Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:25 am

Posts: 604

I've just posted a new chapter for The Day My Life Changed. I haven't had a lot of time to write lately as work has kept me somewhat busy. Rest assured the muse hasn't flown away, but I have had to push her aside more than I'd like.

I've been doing tech support for a couple of organizations and that has kept me busier than I had expected. It's never a lot of fun when the people you're trying to help don't understand what it is you're recommending that they do. One of these days I'll learn not to punish myself this way.

I hope you all enjoy the new chapter.

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