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No, I'm not actually dead

General words about nothing and everything, noises, blatherings and non-specific things uttered by MemoryHeap. Real discussions pertaining to stories will take place in those forums.

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Moderator: memoryheap

Post Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:19 pm

Posts: 604

Yes, the site has been pretty much dead for quite a while. That doesn't mean that I'm dead, but it does mean that I've been busier than the proverbial one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest. I have been writing a little, mainly in small dribs and drabs, but it's typically been in stolen fifteen minute increments. Needless to say, you can't write that many words in fifteen minutes. Cranking out a full chapter is a many day exercise, especially when you factor in reviewing it for flow and context, proofreading, and occasionally dealing with characters who try to take over the narrative and move the story in an entirely different direction.

At this point, I know I'm going to be up to my ears until mid- to end-June, but things should back off at that point and I'll be able to get some serious wordsmithing done. About all I can ask is to bear with me.

Post Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:25 pm

Posts: 226
You have us wondering MH! I check fairly often and see the same ole same ole. I knew you had taken ill or were up to your ears in the 'gators!!
Not a lot is going on down here, at least that is newsworthy here.
I hope you are able to slow and get a good deep breath and relax in the near future. I have a dear friend here who is in the IT situation and he is madly fighting the usual problems in that area.
Keep up the ole chin and get relaxed so you can get happy writing again. We will continue to be concerned with your well-being...

Post Sun Apr 10, 2022 9:43 pm

Posts: 21
Location: The wilds of western NY
I was curious, honestly ...but given the current state of the world, I was assuming you were either busy or had been kidnapped by Amazonian space women to be their concubine. Be well, and rest assured that whenever a chapter comes forth, we'll be here with bated breath and eager eyes.

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