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To all the spammers and fakes

General words about nothing and everything, noises, blatherings and non-specific things uttered by MemoryHeap. Real discussions pertaining to stories will take place in those forums.

Anyone can read my blog, and post in it. If you don't have an account on the site, your posts will be filtered through various anti-spam checks, and you will have to submit to an 'are you human?' test. This is necessary to avoid the spammers (sorry, but such measures have already prevented thousands of garbage postings).

* To see the story forums, and read the stories, you must register for an account. *

Moderator: memoryheap

Post Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:29 am

Posts: 604

I've decided to get a little more aggressive about people who spend their time creating accounts that will either never be used or will only be used to post spam or other crap. I'm getting tired of the number of account activation requests I get with obvious fake e-mail addresses, or e-mail addresses that have no bearing whatsoever with the registered name being used.

Therefore, from now on I will be barring certain e-mail servers, various domain names, and other addresses that I feel are being sources of this garbage. It's my site, so it is also my decision as to who or what I allow to have access.

If you think you have been barred incorrectly, or if you are one of the few people using an e-mail server that I have blocked but you are actually for real, then send me an e-mail to "memoryheap AT memoryheap DOT com" and plead your case. If you are real, and not a bot of some kind, then your request might be granted.

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