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How This Place Works

General words about nothing and everything, noises, blatherings and non-specific things uttered by MemoryHeap. Real discussions pertaining to stories will take place in those forums.

Anyone can read my blog, and post in it. If you don't have an account on the site, your posts will be filtered through various anti-spam checks, and you will have to submit to an 'are you human?' test. This is necessary to avoid the spammers (sorry, but such measures have already prevented thousands of garbage postings).

* To see the story forums, and read the stories, you must register for an account. *

Moderator: memoryheap

Post Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:11 pm

Posts: 604

These are just a few notes to let you know how the site is organized, where you can find things, and where you may post your own comments, or ask about anything.

The site is divided into four main areas (for the moment):
  1. The Blogosphere;
  2. The Author's Workshop;
  3. Long Stories; and
  4. Short Stories.

The Blogosphere contains any number of blogs. For the moment, it only has mine, but other members can ask for their own. We'll have to see how this develops over time.

The Author's Workshop is a place for other authors to post their own stories, and to allow readers to comment on them. The idea is to foster a place where new authors can nudge themselves into publishing to an audience that would be willing to help them out by reading, offering advice and critiques, and generally helping them along. My friend Nat gets the honour of having the first forum in the Workshop, so let's all encourage her in her creative pursuits.

Long Stories contains all of the text of stories that span multiple chapters. Each story gets its own forum, identified by the title of the story. Each forum is divided into two sub-forums: The Story, and Discussion. The Story, obviously, contains the text of the story, in chapter order. This forum is locked so that no one can change the content. The Discussion forum, on the other hand, is wide open for anyone to comment in. Since each long story has its own Discussion forum, I'd be grateful if people would keep comments germane to the story at hand. If you want to tell me how badly I suck as an author in general, feel free to use my blog for that.

Short Stories is organized a little differently from Long Stories. Each story has only one forum. The first post in the forum contains the text of the story, but the rest of the forum is wide open for discussion of that story. Again, please keep comments germane to that story.

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