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A New Policy on Membership

General words about nothing and everything, noises, blatherings and non-specific things uttered by MemoryHeap. Real discussions pertaining to stories will take place in those forums.

Anyone can read my blog, and post in it. If you don't have an account on the site, your posts will be filtered through various anti-spam checks, and you will have to submit to an 'are you human?' test. This is necessary to avoid the spammers (sorry, but such measures have already prevented thousands of garbage postings).

* To see the story forums, and read the stories, you must register for an account. *

Moderator: memoryheap

Post Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:42 am

Posts: 604

I just took a gander through the membership list, and noticed something a little disturbing. There are probably a couple of dozen people who have registered for an account, yet have never actually logged in to the system. I can understand that there could be a time lag between getting an account, and coming to the site, but if you never come here, then why bother getting the account?

Admittedly, it is possible that some of those people registered, and now find that they can't get to the site. I've had a lot of trouble with attacks on my network from various parts of the world, and I've taken somewhat of a sledgehammer to the problem. Specifically, I have adjusted my firewall to block all connections from certain countries, as I just can't be bothered dealing with removing the spam, or the junk postings, and I really don't like people who try to hack my servers. I doubt that too many people were affected.

Anyway, in the interests of keeping the site's databases a little cleaner, I have decided to implement a new policy. Any account that has been inactive for a period of six months is subject to being deleted. As well, any account that is not used within a month of creation will be deleted. This very much applies to accounts that have not been used since registration. If you haven't logged in at all after registration, or your account has been inactive more than six months, then consider it gone.

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